πŸ—οΈ Layout Editor

EOmaps provides a Layout Editor that can be used to quickly re-arrange the positions of all axes of a figure. You can use it to simply drag the axes the mouse to the desired locations and change their size with the scroll-wheel.

Keyboard shortcuts are assigned as follows:

  • Press ALT + L: enter the Layout Editor mode

  • Press ALT + L again or escape to exit the Layout Editor

Pick and re-arrange the axes as you like with the mouse.

  • To pick multiple axes, hold down shift!

  • Resize picked axes with the scroll-wheel
    (or by pressing the + and - keys)
  • Hold down h or v to change horizontal/vertical size

  • Hold down control to change ratio between colorbar and histogram


  • Press keys 1-9 to set the grid-spacing for the β€œsnap-to-grid” functionality

  • Press 0 to deactivate β€œsnap-to-grid”

Undo, Redo, Save:

  • Press control + z to undo the last step

  • Press control + y to redo the last undone step

  • Press P to print the current layout to the console


Save and restore layouts

Once a layout (e.g. the desired position of the axes within a figure) has been arranged, the layout can be saved and re-applied with:

  • 🌟 Maps.get_layout(): get the current layout (or dump the layout as a json-file)

  • 🌟 Maps.apply_layout(): apply a given layout (or load and apply the layout from a json-file)

It is also possible to enter the Layout Editor and save the layout automatically on exit with:

  • 🌟 m.edit_layout(filepath=...): enter LayoutEditor and save layout as a json-file on exit


A layout can only be restored if the number (and order) of the axes remains the same! In other words:

  • you always need to save a new layout-file after adding additional axes (or colorbars!) to a map


Get the positions of all axes within the current plot.


Set the positions of all axes within the current plot based on a previously defined layout.


Activate the "layout-editor" to quickly re-arrange the positions of subplots.