

Draw the data as a rectangular raster.

(similar to plt.imshow)


The raster-shape uses a QuadMesh to represent the datapoints.

  • As a requirement for correct identification of the pixels, the data must be sorted by coordinates! (see assume_sorted argument of m.plot_map() for more details.)

This considerably speeds up plotting of large datasets but it has the disadvantage that only the vertices of the rectangles will be reprojected to the plot-crs while the curvature of the edges is NOT considered! (e.g. the effective shape is a distorted rectangle with straight edges)

  • use m.set_shape.rectangles() if you need β€œcurved” edges!

  • use m.set_shape.shade_raster() for extremely large datasets

  • radius (tuple or str, optional) – a tuple representing the radius in x- and y- direction. The default is β€œestimate” in which case the radius is attempted to be estimated from the input-coordinates.

  • radius_crs (crs-specification, optional) – The crs in which the dimensions are defined. The default is β€œin”.