
utilities.layer_selector(m, layers=None, draggable=True, exclude_layers=None, name=None, **kwargs)

A button-widget that can be used to select the displayed plot-layer.


In general, layers are only drawn “on demand”, so if you switch to a layer that has not been shown yet, it needs to be drawn first.

  • Depending on the complexity (WebMaps, Overlays, very large datasets etc.) this might take a few seconds.

  • Once the layer has been drawn, it is cached and switching even between layers with many features should be fast.

  • If the extent of the map changes (e.g. pan/zoom) or new features are added to the layer, it will be re-drawn.

  • layers (list or None, optional) – A list of layer-names that should appear in the selector. If None, all available layers (except the “all” layer) are shown, and the layers are automatically updated whenever a new layer is created on the map. (check the ‘exclude_layers’ parameter for excluding specific layers) The default is None.

  • draggable (bool, optional) – Indicator if the widget should be draggable or not. The default is True.

  • exclude_layers (list or None) – A list of layer-names that should be excluded. Only relevant if layers=None is used. The default is None in which case only the “all” layer is excluded. (Same as exclude = [“all”]. Use exclude=[] to get all available layers.)

  • name (str) – The name of the slider (used to identify the object) If None, a unique identifier is used.

  • kwargs

    All additional arguments are passed to plt.legend

    Some useful arguments are:

    • ncol: the number of columns to use

    • size: the size of the markers

    • fontsize: the fontsize of the labels

    • loc: the position of the widget with respect to the figure. Any combination of the strings [“upper”, “lower”] and [“left”, “right”, “center”] is possible.

    • bbox_to_anchor: offset from the loc-position in figure coordinates e.g.: (loc=”upper center”, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1))


>>> from eomaps import Maps
>>> m = Maps(layer="coastline")
>>> m2 = m.new_layer(layer="ocean")
>>> m.add_feature.preset.coastline()
>>> m2.add_feature.preset.ocean()
>>> s = m.util.layer_selector()

# to remove the widget, simply use >>> s.remove()