πŸ› Installation

The following sections provide information how to install EOmaps.

Installation with conda or mamba

EOmaps is available on conda-forge and can be installed via:

conda install -c conda-forge eomaps

This will install all required dependencies as well as the optional dependencies pandas, geopandas, mapclassify, datashader, owslib, requests and qtpy

Greatly speed up the installation!

Since the dependencies of EOmaps can be demanding to solve for conda, it is highly recommended that you use mamba to install EOmaps in a conda-environment!

mamba is a reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++, capable of solving environments a lot faster.

The recommended way to get started is to use miniforge, a minimalistic installer that provides both conda and mamba, pre-configured to use the conda-forge channel by default. For other options, checkout the mamba-docs

Once mamba is installed, you just need to replace the term conda with mamba and you’re good to go!

mamba install -c conda-forge eomaps

Installation with pip

EOmaps is also available on pypi.

To install EOmaps with a minimal set of dependencies, use:

pip install eomaps

Optional dependencies

Some features (πŸ›° WebMap layers, 🧰 Companion Widget, etc.) require additional dependencies. To use them you have to install the required dependency-groups:

To get all features of EOmaps, you can use one of:

  • pip install eomaps[all] Install ALL requuired and optional dependencies

  • pip install eomaps[all_nogui] Same as all but without installing the Qt GUI framework

In addition, you can use the following dependency-groups to activate only selected features:

  • pip install eomaps[wms] Add dependencies required to use WebMap services

  • pip install eomaps[gui] Add dependencies for Qt GUI framework (and the CompanionWidget)

  • pip install eomaps[io] Add support for pandas, xarray, geopandas and rioxarray

  • pip install eomaps[shade] Add capabilities to visualize extremely large datasets (via datashader)

  • pip install eomaps[classify] Add support for mapclassify to classify datasets

It is also possible to combine dependency-groups, e.g.: pip install eomaps[wms, gui].

A full list of all associated packages can be found in How to set up a development environment or in the pyproject.toml file.