
KeypressCallbacks.overlay_layer(layer, key='x')

Toggle displaying a layer on top of the currently visible layers.

This callback is useful to quickly show/hide a data-layer on top of a basemap by pressing a key on the keyboard.

  • layer (str, tuple or list) –

    The layer-name to use, a tuple (layer, transparency) or a list of the aforementioned types to combine.

    For details on how to specify layer-names, see Maps.show_layer()

  • Parameters (Additional) –

  • --------------------- –

  • key (str, optional) – The key to use for triggering the callback. Modifiers are indicated with a β€œ+”, e.g. β€œalt+x”. The default is β€œx”.


If the visible layer changes while the overlay-layer is active, triggering the callback again might not properly remove the previous overlay! (e.g. the overlay is only removed if the top-layer corresponds exactly to the overlay-layer specifications)


Toggle overlaying layer A:

>>> m.cb.keypress.attach.overlay_layer(layer="A", key="x")

Toggle overlaying layer A with 50% transparency:

>>> m.cb.keypress.attach.overlay_layer(layer=("A", 0.5), key="x")

Toggle overlaying a combined layer (showing layer B with 50% transparency on top of layer A)

>>> m.cb.keypress.attach.overlay_layer(layer="A|B{0.5}", key="x")

Toggle overlaying a combined layer (showing layer B on top of layer A)

>>> m.cb.keypress.attach.overlay_layer(layer=["A", "B"], key="x")

Toggle overlaying a combined layer (showing layer B with 50% transparency on top of layer A)

>>> m.cb.keypress.attach.overlay_layer(layer=["A", ("B", 0.5)], key="x")