
set_shape.raster(maxsize=5000000.0, interp_order=0, aggregator='mean', valid_fraction=0)

Draw the data as a rectangular raster (>> usable for very large datasets!)

(optionally aggregate data prior to plotting)

By default, large datasets (>5 million datapoints) will be aggregated prior to plotting to considerably speed up initialization of the plot. (use maxsize=None to disable aggregation.)

The aggregation will apply the selected aggregator to datapoints within regular data-blocks of the size (n, n) where n is selected such that the plotted dataset contains approximately maxsize datapoints. Lower values of maxsize will result in faster (but more coarse) plots.


The raster-shape uses a QuadMesh to represent the datapoints.

  • As a requirement for correct identification of the pixels, the data must be sorted by coordinates! (see assume_sorted argument of m.plot_map() for more details.)

This considerably speeds up plotting of large datasets but it has the disadvantage that only the vertices of the rectangles will be reprojected to the plot-crs while the curvature of the edges is NOT considered! (e.g. the effective shape is a distorted rectangle with straight edges)

  • use m.set_shape.rectangles() if you need “curved” edges!

  • use m.set_shape.shade_raster() to use datashader for aggregation

  • maxsize (int, None) –

    If provided, the dataset will be aggregated prior to plotting.

    Datasets larger than ‘maxsize’ will be resampled into a regular grid such that the final dataset contains approximately ‘maxsize’ datapoints. (aggregation is performed with respect to the selected ‘method’)

    Lower numbers for ‘maxsize’ will reduce the image resolution in favor of a (possibly huge) speedup for the initialization of the plot!

    The default is 5e6 (e.g. 5 million datapoints)

  • aggregator (str) –

    The method used for aggregation.

    • ”first”, “last” : select first/last value of the aggregation blocks (this is very fast but the resulting dataset might not always be a reliable aggregated estimate of the actual data)

    • ”min”, “max”, “mean”, “median”, “std”, “sum”: calculate the corresponding metrics of the data inside the aggregation blocks.

    • ”mode”: evaluate the most commonly encountered value within each aggregation bin (NOTE: this is computationally intense and can become slow if maxsize is set too large!)

    • ”fast_mean”, “fast_sum”: use a fast and memory-efficient method to evaluate the corresponding metrics. NOTE: this uses numpy.einsum for aggregation which does not check for overflow errors and might cause problems if the dataset was provided in a dtype that cannot be used to store the resulting aggregated sum of data-values (e.g. int8, int16 etc).

      To avoid problems, cast the dataset to a larger dtype using data = np.array([…]).astype(<desired dtype>) or use ordinary aggregator metrics.

    • ”spline”: aggregate with spline interpolation via scipy.ndimage.zoom (interpolation order can be set via the ‘interp_order’ kwarg)

    The default is “mean”

  • valid_fraction (float) –

    (NOT used by the “scipy” method and only relevant for masked arrays!)

    Percentage (0-1) of the masked pixels within an aggregation box that will result in a masked value. (e.g. 0.1 -> if more than 10% of the data is masked in an aggregation box, the aggregated value will be masked). The default is 0

  • interp_order (int) – (ONLY used if method = “scipy”) The spline interpolation order for zooming. See scipy.ndimage.zoom for more details.