
ColorBar.indicate_contours(contour_map=None, add_labels='top', use_levels=None, exclude_levels=None, colors=None, linewidths=None, linestyles=None, label_names=None, label_precision=4, label_kwargs=None)#

Indicate contour locations in the colorbar.

Note: Before using this function you must draw a dataset with the contour shape! (you can also indicate contours from other Maps-objects by using the optional contour_map argument.)

  • contour_map (eomaps.Maps, optional) – The maps object whose contours should be indicated. If None, the Maps-object associated with this colorbar is used. The default is None.

  • add_labels (str, float or None, optional) –

    • “bottom”: add labels at the bottom of the colorbar

    • ”top”: add labels to the top of the colorbar histogram

    • If float: The relative position of the label in axis-coordinates (0-1)

    • None: don’t add labels

    The default is “bottom”.

  • rotation (float, optional) – The rotation of the labels (in degrees). The default is 90.

  • use_levels

    A list of integers that specify levels that should be used. (negative values count from right)

    If None, all values are used.

    For example, to draw the first and 3rd level and name them “A” and “B”, use:

    >>> cb.indicate_contours(use_levels = [-1, 2], label_names=["A", "B"])

exclude_levelslist of int, optional

Only relevant if “use_levels” is None! A list of integers that specify levels that should be ignored. (negative values count from right)

By default, the last level are ignored, e.g.:

>>> exclude_levels = [-1]
colorsstr or list, optional

Custom colors that will be used for the lines. NOTE: If less values than levels are specified, values are cycled!

If None, the contour-colors are used. The default is None.

linewidthsfloat or list, optional

Custom linewidths that will be used for the lines. NOTE: If less values than levels are specified, values are cycled!

If None, the contour-linewidths are used. The default is None.

linestylesfloat, tuple or list, optional

Custom linestyles that will be used for the lines. NOTE: If less values than levels are specified, values are cycled!

If None, the contour-linestyles are used. The default is None.


Additional kwargs passed to the creation of the labels.

  • Font-properties like “fontsize”, “fontweight”, “rotation”, etc..

  • To offset the text (in points) from the xy value, use “xytext”.

  • To add an arrow, use “arrowprops”.

For more details, see plt.annotate.

The default is:

>>> {fontsize: "x-small",
>>>  textcoords: "offset points"
>>>  xytext: (0, 0)}