- class eomaps.eomaps.Maps.BM(m)#
Manager used to schedule draw events, cache backgrounds, etc.
Add a dynamic-artist to be managed. |
Add a background-artist to be managed. |
The currently visible layer-name. |
Blit artists (optionally on top of a given background) |
The figure canvas instance. |
Trigger fetching (and caching) the background for a given layer-name. |
The matplotlib figure instance. |
Get all (sorted) dynamically updated artists assigned to a given layer-name. |
Get all (sorted) background artists assigned to a given layer-name. |
Add callables that are executed whenever the visible layer changes. |
Remove a (dynamically updated) artist from the blit-manager. |
Remove a (background) artist from the map. |
Update the screen with animated artists. |