- class eomaps.eomaps.Maps.add_feature(m)#
Interface to features provided by NaturalEarth.
The features are grouped into the categories “cultural” and “physical” and available at 3 different scales:
10 : Large-scale data (1:10m)
50 : Medium-scale data (1:50m)
110 : Small-scale data (1:110m)
If you use scale=”auto”, the appropriate scale of the feature will be determined based on the map-extent.
For available features and additional info, check the docstring of the individual categories!
>>> m.add_feature.< category >.< feature-name >(scale=10, ... style-kwargs ...)
add black (coarse resolution) coastlines
>>> from eomaps import Maps >>> m = Maps() >>> m.add_feature.physical.coastline(scale=110, fc="none", ec="k")
color all land red with 50% transparency and automatically determine the appropriate scale if you zoom the map
>>> from eomaps import Maps >>> m = Maps() >>>"auto", fc="r", alpha=0.5)
fetch features as geopandas.GeoDataFrame (to color all countries with respect to the area)
>>> from eomaps import Maps >>> m = Maps() >>> countries = m.add_feature.cultural.admin_0_countries.get_gdf(scale=10) >>> countries["area_rank"] = countries.area.rank() >>> m.add_gdf(countries, column="area_rank")