- Maps.add_gdf(gdf, picker_name=None, pick_method='contains', val_key=None, layer=None, temporary_picker=None, clip=False, reproject='gpd', verbose=False, only_valid=False, set_extent=False, permanent=True, **kwargs)#
Plot a geopandas.GeoDataFrame on the map.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame, str or pathlib.Path) –
A GeoDataFrame that should be added to the plot.
If a string (or pathlib.Path) is provided, it is identified as the path to a file that should be read with geopandas.read_file(gdf).
picker_name (str or None) –
A unique name that is used to identify the pick-method.
If a picker_name is provided, a new pick-container will be created that can be used to pick geometries of the GeoDataFrame.
The container can then be accessed via: >>> m.cb.pick__<picker_name> or >>> m.cb.pick[picker_name] and it can be used in the same way as m.cb.pick…
pick_method (str or callable) –
- if str :
The operation that is executed on the GeoDataFrame to identify the picked geometry. Possible values are:
”contains”: pick a geometry only if it contains the clicked point (only works with polygons! (not with lines and points))
”centroids”: pick the closest geometry with respect to the centroids (should work with any geometry whose centroid is defined)
The default is “centroids”
- if callable :
A callable that is used to identify the picked geometry. The call-signature is:
>>> def picker(artist, mouseevent): >>> # if the pick is NOT successful: >>> return False, dict() >>> ... >>> # if the pick is successful: >>> return True, dict(ID, pos, val, ind)
The default is “contains”
val_key (str) – The dataframe-column used to identify values for pick-callbacks. The default is the value provided via column=… or None.
layer (int, str or None) –
The name of the layer at which the dataset will be plotted.
If “all”: the corresponding feature will be added to ALL layers
If None, the layer assigned to the Maps-object is used (e.g. m.layer)
The default is None.
temporary_picker (str, optional) – The name of the picker that should be used to make the geometry temporary (e.g. remove it after each pick-event)
clip –
This feature can help with re-projection issues for non-global crs. (see example below)
Indicator if geometries should be clipped prior to plotting or not.
if “crs”: clip with respect to the boundary-shape of the crs
if “crs_bounds” : clip with respect to a rectangular crs boundary
if “extent”: clip with respect to the current extent of the plot-axis.
if the ‘gdal’ python-bindings are installed, you can use gdal to clip the shapes with respect to the crs-boundary. (slower but more robust) The following logical operations are supported:
”gdal_SymDifference” : symmetric difference
”gdal_Intersection” : intersection
”gdal_Difference” : difference
”gdal_Union” : union
If a suffix “_invert” is added to the clip-string (e.g. “crs_invert” or “gdal_Intersection_invert”) the obtained (clipped) polygons will be inverted.
- reprojectstr, optional
Similar to “clip” this feature mainly addresses issues in the way how re-projected geometries are displayed in certain coordinate-systems. (see example below)
if “gpd”: re-project geometries geopandas
if “cartopy”: re-project geometries with cartopy (slower but more robust)
The default is “gpd”.
>>> mg = MapsGrid(2, 1, crs=Maps.CRS.Stereographic()) >>> mg.m_0_0.add_feature.preset.ocean(reproject="gpd") >>> mg.m_1_0.add_feature.preset.ocean(reproject="cartopy")
- verbosebool, optional
Indicator if a progressbar should be printed when re-projecting geometries with “use_gpd=False”. The default is False.
- only_validbool, optional
If True, only valid geometries (e.g. gdf.is_valid) are plotted.
If False, all geometries are attempted to be plotted (this might result in errors for infinite geometries etc.)
The default is True
- set_extent: bool, optional
if True, set map extent to the extent of the geometries with +-5% margin.
if float, use the value as margin (0-1).
The default is True.
- permanentbool, optional
If True, all created artists are added as “permanent” background artists. If False, artists are added as dynamic artists. The default is True.
- kwargs :
all remaining kwargs are passed to geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot(**kwargs)
- Returns:
new_artists – The matplotlib-artists added to the plot
- Return type: