- ScaleBar.set_patch_props(offsets=None, **kwargs)#
Set the style properties of the background patch.
- Parameters:
offsets (tuple, optional) – A tuple that is used to adjust the offset of the frame-patch. Individual values represent (top, bottom, left, right) on a horizontally oriented scalebar. The default is (1, 1, 1, 1).
kwargs –
Additional kwargs are passed to the matpltlotlib.Patches.PolygonPatch that is used to draw the frame. The default is {“fc”: “.75”, “ec”: “k”, “lw”: 1, “ls”: “-“}
Possible values are:
”facecolor”, “edgecolor”, “linewidth”, “linestyle”, “alpha” …
See also
Set style of the scale.
Set style of the labels.
Set style of the lines between scalebar and labels.