- GridLines.add_labels(where='tblr', offset=10, precision=2, every=None, exclude='corners', labels=None, rotation=0, rotation_relative=True, **kwargs)#
Add labels to the gridlines.
- Parameters:
where (str or int, optional) –
Specify where labels should be added to the gridlines.
In general, the position of labels is determined by the intersection-points of the gridlines with the axis-boundary.
To select specific labels, use one of the following options:
Use a combination of the letters “tblr” (top, bottom, left, right) to draw labels only at the selected sides of the plot. (NOTE: With this option, latitude-lines are labeled only on “l” and “r”, and longitude-lines are labeled only on “t” and “b”!)
Use “all” to add all labels without any restrictions
Use an integer to add labels only to the nth found intersection point (e.g. 0 for the first intersection-point, 1 for the second etc.)
The default is “tblr”.
offset (number or tuple of numbers, optional) –
The offset of the labels relative to the intersection point of the gridline with the axes-boundary.
number (d): the offset in the direction of of the rotation of the label.
2-tuple (x, y): the offset in x- and y- direction.
3-tuple (d, x, y): all of the above
The default is 10.
precision (int, optional) – The floating point precision of the labels. The default is 2.
every (int, slice, tuple or None, optional) –
Specify if all labels (None) or only every nth label should be drawn.
if int: draw every nth label
if 3-tuple: draw every nth label according to (start, stop, step) (use stop=-1 if you want to draw all labels)
The default is None.
exclude (str, list, tuple or None, optional) –
Exclude one (or more) labels.
A list of grid values to exclude as lon/lat labels. (e.g. [10, -45])
Provide a tuple of lists to exclude lon/lat values separately (e.g. ([-120, 60], [-40, 40])).
If “corners”, the corner-points of the boundaries are excluded (this is the default to avoid overlapping lon/lat labels at the corners).
If None, no points are excluded.
The default is “corners”.
labels (list or None, optional) – A list of strings to use as custom labels. If None, the grid-values are used. The default is None.
rotation (float, optional) – The rotation of the label. The default is 0.
rotation_relative (bool, optional) – Indicator if the rotation is performed relative to the current label-rotation (True) or the rotation is set to the provided value (False). The default is True.
kwargs – Additional kwargs passed to matplotlib’s plt.text(…) for additional styling of the labels. (e.g. fontsize, fontweight, color, …)
- Returns:
gl – The class that handles the drawing of the grid-labels.
- Return type: