
ColorBar.set_labels(cb_label=None, hist_label=None, **kwargs)#

Set the labels (and the label-style) for the colorbar (and the histogram).

For more details, see ColorBar.ax_cb.set_xlabel(..) and matplotlib’s .Text properties.

  • cb_label (str or None) – The label of the colorbar. If None, the existing label is maintained. The default is None.

  • hist_label (str or None) – The label of the histogram. If None, the existing label is maintained. The default is None.

  • kwargs – Additional kwargs passed to Axes.set_xlabel to control the appearance of the label (e.g. color, fontsize, labelpad etc.).


Set both colorbar and histogram label in one go

>>> cb.set_labels("The parameter", "histogram count", fontsize=10, color="r")

Use different styles for the colorbar and histogram labels

>>> cb.set_labels(cb_label="The parameter", color="r", labelpad=10)
>>> cb.set_labels(hist_label="histogram count", fontsize=6, color="k")