
Maps.new_map(ax=None, keep_on_top=False, inherit_data=False, inherit_classification=False, inherit_shape=False, **kwargs)#

Create a new map that shares the figure with this Maps-object.


Using this function, for example:

>>> m = Maps(ax=211)
>>> m2 = m.new_map(ax=212, ...)

is equivalent to:

>>> m = Maps(ax=211)
>>> m2 = Maps(f=m.f, ax=212, ...)
  • ax (int, list, tuple, matplotlib.Axes, matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec or None) –

    Explicitly specify the position of the axes or use already existing axes.

    Possible values are:

    • None:

      Initialize a new axes at the center of the figure (the default)

    • A tuple of 4 floats (left, bottom, width, height)

      The absolute position of the axis in relative figure-coordinates (e.g. in the range [0 , 1]) NOTE: since the axis-size is dependent on the plot-extent, the size of the map will be adjusted to fit in the provided bounding-box.

    • A tuple of 3 integers (nrows, ncols, index)

      The map will be positioned at the index position of a grid with nrows rows and ncols columns. index starts at 1 in the upper left corner and increases to the right. index can also be a two-tuple specifying the (first, last) indices (1-based, and including last) of the subplot, e.g., ax = (3, 1, (1, 2)) makes a map that spans the upper 2/3 of the figure.

    • A 3-digit integer

      Same as using a tuple of three single-digit integers. (e.g. 111 is the same as (1, 1, 1) )

    • matplotilb.gridspec.SubplotSpec:

      Use the SubplotSpec for initializing the axes.

    • matplotilb.Axes:

      Directly use the provided figure and axes instances for plotting. NOTE: The axes MUST be a geo-axes with m.crs_plot projection!

  • keep_on_top (bool) – If True, this map will be drawn on top of all other axes. (e.g. similar to InsetMaps) The default is False.

  • preferred_wms_service (str, optional) – Set the preferred way for accessing WebMap services if both WMS and WMTS capabilities are possible. The default is “wms”

  • inherit_data (bool) –

    Indicator if the corresponding properties should be inherited from the parent Maps-object.

    By default only the shape is inherited.

    For more details, see Maps.inherit_data() and Maps.inherit_classification()

  • inherit_classification (bool) –

    Indicator if the corresponding properties should be inherited from the parent Maps-object.

    By default only the shape is inherited.

    For more details, see Maps.inherit_data() and Maps.inherit_classification()

  • inherit_shape (bool) –

    Indicator if the corresponding properties should be inherited from the parent Maps-object.

    By default only the shape is inherited.

    For more details, see Maps.inherit_data() and Maps.inherit_classification()

  • kwargs – additional kwargs are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure() - e.g. figsize=(10,5)


m – The Maps object representing the new map.

Return type:
