- Maps.show_layer(*args, clear=True)#
Show a single layer or (transparently) overlay multiple selected layers.
- Parameters:
args (str, tuple) –
if str: The name of the layer to show.
if tuple: A combination of a layer-name and a transparency assignment ( < layer name >, < transparency [0-1] > )
Show a single layer by providing the name of the layer as string:
>>> m.show_layer("A")
To show multiple layers, use one of the following options:
Provide multiple layer-names (stacking is done from left to right), e.g.:
>>> m.show_layer("A", "B", "C")
Provide the combined layer-name, e.g.:
>>> m.show_layer("A|B|C")
To transparently overlay multiple layers, use one of the following options:
Provide tuples of layer-names and transparency-assignments, e.g.:
>>> m.show_layer("A", ("B", 0.5), ("C", 0.25))
Provide the combined layer-name, e.g.:
>>> m.show_layer("A|B{0.5}|C{0.25}")
See also
Add a button-widget to switch layers to the map.
Add a slider to switch layers to the map.